Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guilty!! Time to Dispense Some Justice...

The trial only lasted a day, but after 24 hours, the verdict was clear. The small menagerie of cables and circuitry I've harbored in my room over the past year have been preying upon my outlets like sea lampreys. And the parasitism has been occurring at a steady pace-- to the tune of 0.07 kWh per day. Okay, so they're not exactly the electronic equivalent of, say, Bernie Madoff. But their sluggish gluttony is still important: over a single year, that amounts to over 25 kWh of wasted electricity! And if that's the draw from the small stuff, what's coursing through my slumbering TVs?

Time to put the hammer down! My weapon of choice for doling out a little justice? The trusty power strip. With the flick of just one switch you can kink the siphon between your outlets and all the wired vampires connected to it. And as an added bonus, the unit runs protective interference should your home ever suffer a lightning strike or electrical surge. It makes total sense! Now, to make the plan come together...

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