Friday, January 21, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise Early On!

I need a constant stream of motivation to keep me moving on projects, so I'm always on the prowl for a little inspiration. We received our electrical bill from Florida Power and Light for the month and, on a lark, I decided to compare it to the same time period the year prior. Here's how they compare by energy consumption and billed cost:

Dec. 8, 2009–January 9, 2010
December 8, 2010–January 10, 2011
1,794 kWh
1,046 kWh

That would be a difference of over $92 for the month! Yes, it was a much warmer month than the same time last year, and yes, I didn't run my Christmas lights with the same zeal. Still, I'd like to think the little changes we are beginning to make around the house have contributed ever so slightly. Either way, its a great savings to our little household, but a much bigger savings to everyone else when you factor in the cost of all the negative environmental externalities involved in energy production and use (that is, all the environmental and social costs that are not normally accounted for in the free market.)

And one last note: thanks to everyone for following along. This blog just logged its 300th page view in three weeks! Keep reading-- we're going to figure all this stuff out together :-)

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