Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Anniversary! Here's Your Strip...

This past week, my wife and I celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary. Always a stickler for traditional gifts, she presented me with a wireless Belkin power strip, similar to the ones I discussed in an earlier post. Turns out, she caught me recently hooking up my Kill-A-Watt to our home entertainment system. Realizing I was on the cusp of making her television viewing a bit less convenient, she decided on the gift as a means of preserving our blessed union.

So now its time to operate a bit in reverse. Thus far, I've focused on one fixture or appliance and applied an "efficiency fix". But now, with Belkin in hand, I need to figure out where this bit of technological wizardry would yield the greatest level of energy savings. When it comes to vampire power, I've long suspected our televisions to be major watt suckers, so now its time to put my suspicions to the test.

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